Therapeutic Massage

This Massage Therapy is designed to treat a specific condition such as injury and soft tissue dysfunction, as well as support muscle recovery and rehabilitation.
Soft tissue massage therapy involves a direct physical action on the soft tissues of the body. Your muscles, tendons, ligaments or other connective tissue, such as fascia, are the target structures.

How can a Therapeutic Massage help you ?

The Therapeutic Massage or Massotherapy is indicated for the treatment of localized pain related to muscular contractures, repetitive efforts, stress, bad posture and even as a complement to medical treatments.

Such as :

  • Traumatic injuries;
  • Muscle injuries;
  • Muscle aches and pains;
  • contractures
  • Rheumatic pains;
  • Edemas;
  • Muscle spasms;
  • Nervous tension;
  • Tendonitis;
  • Sprains;
  • Cramps;
  • Cervicalgias;
  • Back pains;

What are the Benefits?

Being considered part of preventive medicine, massage therapy treatments offer several benefits for all ages, from children to the elderly.
Among them are:

  • Prevents injuries;
  • Relieves pain;
  • Increased mobility;
  • Increased flexibility;
  • Reduction of muscle tension;
  • Increased sense of physical well-being;
  • Improves blood circulation
  • Improves the quality of sleep;
  • Prevents some diseases
  • Relieves stress and anxiety.

Another positive point of this technique is that Therapeutic Massage is always practiced with personalized and individual attention, this means that its application can be different from person to person. Each case will be analysed individually and both the movements required and the duration of the treatment will be defined based on the needs of each patient.